AGENDA -amended                                                                                                              

Bolinas-Stinson Union School District                                                                                                                         Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees                                                                                                                                  Date: May 12, 2020                                                                                                                              Meeting Time/Location:         Closed session from  1:30 to 3:00pm                                                               Open Session at 3:00 p.m.                                                                                                                                       

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Password: 5122020

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1.     Call Meeting to order  

2.     Approval of Closed Session Agenda

3.     Public Comments on Closed Session Agenda   

            This is an opportunity for the public to address the Trustees on matters related to school business that is on this agenda. No discussion, deliberation, or action can be taken by the Trustees unless the matter is placed on a subsequent agenda. The Chair may limit each presenter to a reasonable time.  While there are freedom of expression rights, concerns about individual employees are more appropriately addressed with the employee or the administration and shall not be discussed by the board.  Please contact the immediate supervisor (principal, administrator, superintendent) directly.   


4.     Recess to Closed session                                                                                                                                  4.1     Labor Negotiations – 54957.6

          Administration Contracts (Superintendent, Principal, Chief Business Official)

            4.2     Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release – 54957                             


5.     Reconvene into Open Session  

6.     Announcement of Reportable Action taken during Closed Session

7.     Approval of Agenda / Introductions – reading of Mission/Vison Statement-          

If you have a request to move an agenda item up in the agenda, please let the Board know at the start of the meeting

8.     Public Hearing

District and California School Employees Association (CSEA) re-openers


9.     Board member reports and Comments                                                                                                                                              Negotiations- Marcotte

            Facility Needs Committee- Marcotte/Demmerle                                                                                                                                                       Green STEAM committee   – Woods                                                                                   

             Marin County School Boards Association (MCSBA) – Siedman                                                                                                                                                                                                       Joint Legislative Action Committee – Pfeiffer

            Staff housing Committee – Demmerle/Pfeiffer   

            Budget Committee – Marcotte

            Kindergarten Readiness Committee –Pfeiffer


10. Public Comments:   

            This is an opportunity for the public to address the Trustees on matters related to school business that is not on this agenda. No discussion, deliberation, or action can be taken by the Trustees unless the matter is placed on a subsequent agenda. The Chair may limit each presenter to a reasonable time.  While there are freedom of expression rights, concerns about individual employees are more appropriately addressed with the employee or the administration and shall not be discussed by the board. Please contact the immediate supervisor (principal, administrator, superintendent) directly.

            Request for Future agenda items.

11. Correspondence/Information                                                                                                                                              11.1    Enrollment for 2019-20 school year and projections for 2020-21

11.2    Donation record

            11.3   Incoming Correspondence – 4/15/20 from Marin County Office of Education re:  2nd Interim

            11.4   Outgoing correspondence – none

            11.5   Other:


12. Chief Business Official Report

12.1   Finance Update

12.2   Facilities Update

                      Solar monitoring

                      School bus repair

                      Summer projects                                                                                                      

12.3   An update on the District provided Internet access for students

12.4    Food Service Update


                      National School Lunch Program

12.5   GASB 75 report

13. Superintendent’s Report  

            13.1   Budget/Legislative/Attendance update          

            13.2   Collaboration with Community Action Marin / Bolinas Children’s Center- next steps See agenda item 28

            13.3   Office closure update

            13.4   Update on field trip and school event cancellations

            13.5   Trustee Election information

            13.6   Communication- Whenever an agenda is finalized it will be posted on the website with a      link       on the live feed and a push notification.  


14. Principal’s Report  

13.1   Remote Learning update including equitable learning

13.2   Possible plans for Graduation

13.3   Summer School


15. Approval of the following Consent agenda items                                                    Action

            15.1   Warrants:  Batches: 49 to 54

            15.2   Minutes from:      4/14/20, 4/28/20, and 5/5/20                                                                                                                                

            15.3   Other:

                      a.         Technology purchases

                                              Student Chromebook

                                              Teacher MacBook’s

                      b.         Declaration of Need

16. Staff Housing                                                                                               Study & Information/Action

Review information / consider feasibility/exploratory real estate purchase

17. Summer Lunch program                                                                           Study & Information/Action

Discussion and approval of summer extension of nutrition services for qualified students  

18. Trustee Election                                                                                        Study & Information/Action

          Resolution 10 2019-2020

          Specifications of the Election Order                           

19. Strategic Plan                                                                                          Study and Information/Action

Approval of amendments/changes   

20. Human Resources- Salary Schedules                                                 Study & Information/Action

Approve the following salary schedules for 2019-2020:

a.       Confidential (12 month)

b.       Chief Business Official

c.        California Teachers Association

d.       California School Employees Association

21. CSEA (California School Employees Association) re-openers 2019-20, 20-21

Review/approve                                                                                           Study & Information/Action

22. District re-openers for CSEA                                                                          Study & Information/Action


23. Certificated retirement                                                                              Study & Information/Action

Approve retirement of certificated staff

24. Human Resources                                                                                     Study & Information/Action

Approve recommendation(s) from the interviewing committee for teaching staff


25. Facilities Use                                                                                             Study & Information/Action

            Approve contract and facilities use for Bolinas-Stinson Summer Camp pending facilities meet health   and safety guidelines and decision on use by the District for summer learning (Official camp dates: July    7-31 Tuesday thru Friday; Access to campus for training and equipment organization: July 5,6; Clean-     up and removal of camp gear: August 1)

26. Request for Leave of Absence- Classified                                              Study & Information/Action

Approve leave of absence from 5/21/2020 to 6/12/2020

27. School Climate survey                                                                                          Study & Information

Review climate survey results (grades 3-7, grades 7-8, Families and Staff)

28. Preschool program changes for 2020-2021                                                        Study & Information


29. Public Comments:    

            This is an opportunity for the public to address the Trustees on matters related to school business that is not on this agenda. No discussion, deliberation, or action can

            be taken by the Trustees unless the matter is placed on a subsequent agenda. The Chair may limit each presenter to a reasonable time.  While there are freedom of expression rights, concerns about individual employees are more appropriately addressed with the employee or the administration and shall not be discussed by the board.  Please contact the immediate supervisor (principal, administrator, superintendent) directly.  

            Request for Future agenda items

30. Meeting adjourned


31. FUTURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Transfer of funds

Strategic Plan- Ongoing

Core Enrichment committee update    

Letter of Support - AB 2112 (Ramos) – Office of Suicide Prevention

National School Lunch Program

Budget review

Budget approval

                                                                                                                                                                                                      The next regular Board meeting will be held on June 9, 2020