choppy waves and clouds over the water at the beach


I walked in the howling wind on the beach yesterday evening just before dusk to reawaken myself and transition from the day to the night. There are so many dualities that we live through in a given day-- a swirl of events both close to home and throughout the nation that pull us in many directions. If you are like me, taking moments to reset, breathe, feel the elements, and then carry on helps me to clear my mind and prepare to be present in family life. I hope you find peace in the spaces between your activities.

Yellow Folders: School Closure Independent Study Packets

Teachers created and sent home yellow folders containing 3 days of school work in the event that school closes in response to an emergency (ie flood, fire, etc). Some folders may not have made it home yet. Links to all packets are below.

Today is Day One of Independent Study. Once school opens students should bring their work back to school to receive attendance credit in the form of independent study. Here are links to all packets:

TK Packets

K Packets

1st Grade

2nd/3rd Grade

4th/5th Grade

6/7/8th Grade

a cozy and relaxing living room with books stacked on the coffee table

The Livingroom: An Expanded Afterschool Program Update

​I am working hard to open the doors to The Livingroom: An Expanded Afterschool program.

Who: TK-8th Grade Students

Where: Bolinas Campus

When: Beginning ASAP in February, Monday-Friday after the bell until 5pm

What: Daily afterschool activities including snacks, homework/academic support, indoor and outdoor activities

How: Working with Site Council, we identified parent and student needs, wrote a "ELO-P"," Extended Learning Opportunity Program Plan, obtained approval from the School board, sought staff (need one more helpers to inquire directly to Ilie), and are getting set up register students and open doors. Once staffing is set, doors will open. Expect an email and registration link this week!

Lunar new year gold snake on red background
Upcoming Events

​Feb 3: National Day Without Immigrants

Feb 4: campuses closed: Independent Study Day

Feb 4: Site Council Meets--to be rescheduled

Feb 4: Parent Ed Evening-- to be rescheduled

Feb 5: 100th Day of School, Stinson Campus

Feb 8: Community Work Party

Feb 11: Board Meeting, 5pm Open Session

Feb 12: Lunar New Year Assembly, 1-2pm Bolinas Campus

Feb 17-21st: Mid-Winter Break

light bulb post it note on bulletin board

Important Reminders


In the classroom, we want students focused on learning and engaged in the social environment. To support these efforts all personal electronic devices, including phones and smartwatches, are to be powered off and out of sight from the time students arrive on campus until they line up for buses, or leave campus, after school.

• Staff may confiscate student electronics if they are being used during the school day.

• Devices will be returned to students after school hours. If a student has a device confiscated multipletimes a parent/guardian may be asked to pick up the device and the student may be asked to leave the device at home.


School transportation at no cost to families is a privilege. Student safety is a right. All students are

expected to follow bus safety rules out of respect for the safety of all students and the driver. A student’s refusal or inability to follow bus rules may result in the filing of a Bus Incident report and loss of bus riding privileges.

● Do not approach the bus while at the bus stop. State law mandates that the bus stops 15 feet from

the nearest student. Ensure this can happen by not approaching the bus until the door opens.

● Follow the instructions of the bus driver at all times.

● Respect the rights and property of others on the bus and at the bus stop.

● Avoid all fighting and rough play while at the bus stop, on the bus or when getting on or off the


● Keep all body parts inside the bus, throw nothing out the window.

● Remain seated and face forward while the bus is moving.

● Do not use profane language, obscene gestures, or create excessive or unnecessary noise.

Lego Club monday afternoons 330 to 430 at bolinas library, free programcommunity work party on february 8th come to bolinas campus at 9 am

Contact info

​If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me, Ilie Watterson

(415) 720-8519 (work cell)