Group photo of Bolinas-Stinson students and staff gathered in a wood paneled building, with festive green branches and glowing lights on the ceiling

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a nice winter break and are looking forward to the new year. The students excitedly returned to campus today and we are blessed with a warm, sunny day. January is always a sweet month for teaching and learning. The typical cool days of winter bring a reflective inward focus to students before the excitement of spring fills the atmosphere.

We have seen a remarkable improvement in students attending school when they are healthy and families planning trips during school breaks. We recognize and appreciate your efforts. At the end of every month we have an assembly where students that have had perfect attendance for the month are acknowledged by receiving a golden ticket. Of course, students get sick and I am sure to verbally acknowledge all students who came to school each day that they were well.

What is a golden ticket? These golden tickets are an acknowledgement of many things– a kind action towards a classmate, an extra effort made to be helpful, and so forth. Children (and adults!) respond best to positive reinforcement of expected behavior. When they hear clearly what is expected, follow it, and are acknowledged for doing so they are more likely to continue down a positive path. Now, overly praising students can bring their attention to seeking validation instead of being intrinsically motivated–what a delicate balance teaching and parenting is!

In the book, Hunt, Gather, Parent, the topic of praise is discussed among many other parenting topics. Copies of the book are available in the Bolinas campus library and the Bolinas Marin County Free Library. The School Site Council will hold its first Parent Education Night on February 5th where a discussion will be held on parenting topics. Pre-reading the book is not necessary for participation in the evening. ​

Upcoming Dates

​January 7: Site Council meets on zoom:

January 14: Board Meeting

January 20: MLKJ Day: No School

January 31: All School Assembly

February 5: Parent Ed Night, 5pm