Facilities Committee Minutes

An exciting update from… 


The Bolinas-Stinson School District Facilities Needs Committee

October 7, 2019


The FNC had an efficient and productive meeting on October 7, 2019. 


Members present were: Bob Demerle, Jenny Pfeiffer (alternate trustee) Lauren Pollack, Ben Lowrance, John Carroll.  Steve Marcotte was absent


  • Ben gave the committee and update on the installation of a backflow preventer that a plumber will be installing in the waste water line. It should be installed soon but we do not have date on the calendar.  The district has taken steps to prevent an overflow as has happened in the past but a more sustainable system is required.
  • The committee generally lamented the absence of a permanent CBO and discussed some people’s hopes of hiring one that will also be in charge of facilities as a regular part of the job.
  • The committee acknowledged the continued absence of our maintenance person who continues to be out on extended sick leave and had to extend his return date unexpectedly. Our hearts go out to Paul and we wish him a full recovery soon.  (We are open to employing any substitutes and have reached out to people who might do that. Our earlier sub has not been available lately.
  • The committee discussed the charge from the board and concluded that steps toward proving input on larger projects should wait for a Board decision about pursuing a facilities bond measure on a future ballot.
  • The committee listed to an idea related to building a shared-use gym and a pool at Mesa Park, above the line where sea level rise would be a likely problem for several centuries if not millennia. The committee did not believe that such a measure was within the boundaries of its scope (at the moment) and that any such discussion should wait until further action from the governing board.
  • The committee heard advocacy for the construction of additional building at Stinson-perhaps a new building or covered eating area and came to a similar conclusion. (see item 5)
  • Ben proposed and the committee discussed restoring the bathroom in the Stinson Cottage to its former grandeur… in short making it into a working bathroom again.  The committee generally agreed that making a non-working  bathroom into a working bathroom made sense.  John said that given the price estimate that it would be within his discretion to approve the job. A final estimate will be forthcoming and John indicated that he would approve it.
  • The Committee proposed goals for the next meeting- getting direction from the board as needed and (perhaps) developing a goal to address the school’s response to sea level rise.